
Importance of Transition

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What do you take with you when you travel?  Obviously, there are things that are non-negotiables, the socks, the toiletries and clothes.   There are things you take with you when you transition in work and life.   Even more important is what you leave behind, that helps others carry the baton.

I realized today that I am taking with me seven exceptional years of great experiences and learnings.  I am also very aware of the importance of making a strong transition and here is why:

  • I will pack relationships.  These are foundational to life and work.  I want to make sure I thank the people I have worked with over the years and share the story of what is next.  I do not want to forget to “pack” the people that I have met along the way.
  • I will pack gratitude. Gratitude helps put closure on the season in your life by taking stock of all the great learnings and positive achievements.  Thank the people that have helped you along the way. 
  • I will leave behind a strong transition plan, which includes the story of the client work and a proper handoff to the staff that will service the clients I have served for 7 years.  I have offered to stay available 30 more days to make sure nothing is missed. 
  • I will leave behind words of encouragement to those I have worked with.  It seems that I have a greater sense of urgency to have that tough conversation or tell that person how exceptional they are.  I am also giving some unsolicited advice.  For example: I told a co-worker that she needs to go finish her college education.  
This is a great time for reflection and a great time to focus on the vision for the future.  I leave with a  heart of gratitude and plan to pack those relationships with me.