During a team session with a client, I was encouraged to hear the executive leader ask the team for feedback. He sat with great anticipation, while his team relayed constructive feedback regarding the emotional tone he sets in the office. This emotional tone is driven completely by his belief system. Our beliefs about ourselves and others inform our behaviors, which generates outcomes.
Our belief system is developed by our family system, childhood experiences and those in authority. Yet, we have the power to choose our belief system. Our beliefs are not static, they are dynamic or ever -changing. Sometimes these beliefs change moment to moment. As leaders, we must audit our beliefs daily and sometimes moment to moment to ensure we taking action in – line with our values. You can audit your beliefs like my client, by asking questions and gaining feedback from others. You can also complete a short – reflection exercise – example below.
Once you have audited your beliefs, you can evaluate how your behaviors align with your empowering beliefs. These behaviors lead to outcomes, many of which we cannot control, but we can control our beliefs and our behaviors.
My client had three key underlying beliefs: 1.) I am not a good manager 2.) Summer is a slow time for sales 3.) My company is not a destination employer. These were excruciating for me to hear as his coach and yet these beliefs were limiting productive behavior. The team was experiencing negativity in the office and he was complaining of poor outcomes.
What about you? How do your beliefs inform your behavior? Forget the outcomes for now, concentrate on your mindset, which you can control.