The word feels so clinical to me. It is a big word, which really means people in work that they find meaningful, purposeful and matched with their skill. Certainly, results will come, but in my opinion you do what you love and the results will follow.
Dr. Hogan says that engagement has four components:
1. Engaged employees like their jobs
2. Engaged employees like themselves when they are at their jobs
3. Engaged employees work hard at their jobs
4. Engaged employees derive a sense of meaning and purpose from their jobs
Check out some interesting statistics regarding engaged workers from my friends at Hogan:
- 71% of Americans aren’t engaged in their jobs. Yes 71% or 7 out of 10.
- 52% of bosses in the survey were described as Arrogant
- 50% of the bosses in the survey were described as Manipulative
- 49% were described as Emotionally Volatile
You will note that there is a partnership with engagement. The employee must navigate toward meaningful work and the boss must be supportive of that endeavor. Are you doing your part?