
She said it…

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I try not to lead the folks I interview too much or not at all. Yesterday, the president of a local museum called her work “Her life’s cause” She spoke of loving museums as a youth and this is what drove her to being the President of one of the most successful living museums in the state.

I could see it in her eyes as she said those words of which I am on a personal journey toward. Part of me was envious, but a bigger part of me was just full of hope knowing that I too can find this “cause” and maybe even support my family while doing it.

She provided advice to me without providing advice. Here is waht I learned:

* Eventually you will be found out if you are not “caused” by the work you do or said another way, if your heart is not into it.

* Fund developers are able to “align” themselves to causes and pull others in by way of financial support.

* The business aspect of running a museum or non-profit is unavoidable. You better have “cause” and “acumen”