
Test The Theory

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For the next 12 months, I am going to test the theory regarding work, passion and interests.   It seems that the career mavens, passion gurus and leadership brains believe that one should follow the aforementioned items and the results will follow.

I am going to take them up on this challenge.  I have committed to pursuing the three areas that have the greatest intrinsic value to me and see if positive results follow.  The three areas include career development, leadership coaching and emerging leaders.  I commit to my readership that I will start my own business with full heart and energy and on 4.11.13 report back to this blog with the results.

I will test their theory and I will document my findings.  This all started back in 2009 when I ventured off to explore my heart’s passion through a massive career exploration process. What resulted was a picture of a cause which centers around helping others find their own cause and become the best possible leaders in the their work and life.