
50 Meetings 90 Days 2 Ice Creams

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During the next 90 days I will be completing jouranlistic type interviews with 50 people with the intent of learning about their personal cause. I hope to find out what gets them up in the morning and why they do what they do. Yesterday, the person I interviewed spoke of the incredible impact of her school and that is what drew her to raising money for the school. Each day she faces the poossiblility of being rejected and the possibility of gathering funds to move the school from “survival to sustainable”

My observation this week has centered around the fact that someone’s life experience draws them into their life of cause. Kudos to this person for allowing herself to be impacted and now wanting to provide others with the chance to be deeply impacted.

Ironically, I went to this high school too and I thank God for it.

Oh and by the way, I had two ice creams today. I felt like I wanted to reward myself and so I did it twice. What a great day? I will pay for it tomorrow.