
Consistent Clarity

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I spent two days focusing on some great content  at the The Leadership Challenge workshop last week.  I entered the time really sensing a need for some personal clarity.  Clarity is so important to me and it mostly centers around my cause and the sense that I am living it out.

everett-caseDuring the workshop we spent a fair amount of time focusing on vision and mission.  I realized that by reviewing my life story, I came upon the fact that my cause is about helping others win.

My vision is that I want to see others “Cut down the nets” in their own lives.  This is about team, victory and accomplishment. The phrase “cutting down the nets” refers to the ritual in college basketball where the national championship team cuts down pieces of the net to symbolize victory.  This is the greatest accomplishment in all of college basketball.

The picture to the right is Coach Everett Case who started the ritual after a championship was won.  My mission to daily seek to help others “cut down the nets” in their lives and in my own.

This has helped create some great clarity these last several days.