Too bad this word has been reduced and overused in life. I for one think that this word is loaded with impact for me. I get very frustrated, upset and sometimes even angry when I do not see passion in my life. Passion means enthusiasm, powerful attraction, energy, engagement, importance and life. Here is where this gets very important for me. It all is a function of my story.
Let me explain it this way, when we are younger we are formed by our parents, friends and teachers. I figure much of our values are formed during our youth by these people. I have had three very strong experiences with three influential people. First, my 7th grade civics teacher who called me a loser in class. She lacked passion for her students and an understanding of the positive influence she could have had. Second, my father who exudes passion for life. This includes his vocation, his wife and his sons. He does not know a stranger and moves into life without fear. Thirdly, my math teacher in high school. She raised the bar and loved what she taught. She was only doing her job.
Passion is a value for me mostly because I want to see it in my own life for my wife, children and my work. I for sure want those around me to have passion about their lives and work because I think huge impact can be made on those around us when it is absent and when it is present. Let us not dilute the word any further. Let us give it the proper standing and not over use it.
What about you? What are the values that are instilled in you? Stan Slap says it well “There’s is an intimate connection between your emotions and your strong opinions about the way things ought to be. It’s impossible to separate your emotions from your values because one keeps influencing the other.”