I was with an IT/Accountant/Financial Analyst yesterday and he used the phrase: “Case studies of your life.” I loved the use of those words. We all have some very natural case studies in our lives to reflect back on. The school age years, the junior high days (Yikes!), the high school years, the college years, the single days, the married without kids days, the married with kids days, the empty nest phase, the retirement years and the golden years.
In reality, these 4 – 15 year segments contain important chapters in our lives. We can look at each chapter and glean powerful insights and connections about our existence. We may have regret or feelings of inspiration. No doubt you can find some themes in the midst of each case study and no doubt use the past to inform your future.
In your search for a sense of cause and purpose, I would suggest a review of your life’s case studies and reflect on your moments flow, energy and purpose. Let those inform you of your future. As you are doing this, might I suggest you enlist some friends at each phase and ask them to tell you what they saw in your life. See if it matches up!